练习地点 :雪隆尊孔學校校友會會所 地址:82,Jalan Tallala off Jln Maharajalela, 50460 Kuala Lumpur. 聯絡:會所電話: 03-2142 6854 傳真:03-2145 8672 黃高弼 手提: 016 2623679 傳真:03-80754475 email:wongkb@gmail.com 網頁:http://wongkb.blogspot.com 练习时间 :星期一 晚上八时至十时, 宗 旨 :发扬健康文艺活动,提升歌艺。希望对音乐有兴趣的社会人士能一起来参与本团的各项音乐活动。

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Holy city (团友们点击相片,在教堂音乐伴奏下学习此歌)
Last night I lay a-sleeping,
there came a dream so fair,
I stood in old Jerusalem beside the temple there.
I heard the children singing and ever as they sang,
Me thought the voice of angels from heaven in answer rang.Me thought the voice of angels from heaven in answer rang.
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!
Lift up your gates and sing,
Hosanna in the highest!Hosanna to your King!

And then me thought my dream was changed,
the streets no longer rang,
Hushed were the glad Hosannas the little children sang.
The sun grew dark with mystery, the morn was cold and chill,
As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill.
As the shadow of a cross arose upon a lonely hill.
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!Lift up your gates and sing,Hosanna in the highest!Hosanna to your King!

And once again the scene was changed;
new earth there seemed to be;
I saw the Holy City beside the tideless sea;
The light of God was on its streets,
the gates were open wide,
And all who would might enter and no one was denied.
No need of moon or stars by night,
or sun to shine by day;
It was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away.
It was the new Jerusalem that would not pass away.
Jerusalem! Jerusalem!Lift up your gates and sing,Hosanna in the highest!Hosanna to your King!Hosanna in the highest!Hosanna to your King!

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